Upcoming Events
10/15/24 (Tuesday): 9:45am - SEPTO Meeting (@District Office)
10/16/24 (Wednesday): CSH UNITES - Unity Day - Wear ORANGE
10/17/24 (Thursday): 9:00am - CPC Meeting (@District Office)
10/18/24 (Friday): CSH UNITES - Breast Cancer Awareness Day - Wear PINK
10/24/24 (Wednesday): Goosehill Photo Re-Take Day!
10/31/24 (Thursday): Halloween Parade
8:40 - 9:00 am Kindergarten
9:20 - 9:40 am 1st Grade/UPK
11/01/24 (Friday): NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences
​11/04/24 (Monday): Save the Date: Parents Night Out 2024
11/05/24 (Tuesday): NO SCHOOL - Election Day
11/06/24 (Wednesday): 5:30pm - Lunch and Recess Volunteer Training (@GH Cafeteria)
11/11/24 (Monday): NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day